Wrens Home Learning – w/b 29/6/20

Hi everyone,

we would just like to start by saying to all who are home learning, keep up the great work! We are obviously missing seeing your little smiley faces, but we are loving your emails and photos. Please keep them coming.

This week in school we have based our learning around the book ‘Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell’. It did make us giggle when we heard the story.

Here is a link for you to listen to it.



As Norman flew off at the end of the story using a pair of pants, it got us thinking about other things he could perhaps use for a pair of wings. We drew a picture of what we thought would make a great pair of wings for him.

We also created these…

We tried to create repeating spiral patterns for his shell like above.


We have been doing lots of quick fire maths games to kick us off. Answering questions linked to doubling, one more and one less than numbers to 20, and adding/subtracting single digits.

Some of us have also been counting in 2’s to 20. We clapped these has we said them first. We then also completed these below. You could print them off and have a go too.

The sheet below we cut up for the children first. Then they had to put it together like a jigsaw. We then turned our paper over and tried to write the 2’s numbers to 20 independently.

Others in class had a go at these too..


We have been working a lot on sentences this week. We were trying hard to make sure we…

    • used finger spaces between our words
    • formed our letters correctly
    • used our phase 3 phonic knowledge to spell longer words we wanted to write.

First of all, we wrote all about our design for Norman’s new wings. We also watched some films online about slugs and snail, and then wrote about what we had learnt about them. Please don’t forget to keep working on your digraph/trigraph knowledge. Use the phase 3 mat below and see how many words you can write for each of the digraphs/trigraphs. For example, ‘igh’ trigraph – light, night, sight.

    Then write sentences with some of the words in too. For example, “The cow was on the farm”  “The light was on in my room”.
    Bye for now and keep going. You are doing a brilliant job.
    Love Mrs Marrriott & Mrs Briggs x


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