We have launched our new topic this half term, which is based around the book -Isabella – Girl on the Go.
Isabella and her dreams are turning an ordinary backyard into an extraordinary adventure! She spends the day playing with her dad as she pretends everyday things (like the sandbox) are extraordinary places. Isabella ends the day in her own home-sweet-home, the most wonderful place to be. Travel around the world to places like:
- Pyramids of Giza
- Eiffel Tower
- Great Wall of China
- Chichen Itza
- Big Ben
- Statue of Liberty
We had great fun focusing on France, where Isabella saw the Eiffel Tower, and became an artist. We all came dressed in a colour, which is found on the French flag.

We made our own flags too!
We then learnt how to count to 10 in French.
We then made some paper aeroplanes to get us to France, which we tested out.

We had a competition to see whose flew the furthest.

Just look at them fly! https://youtu.be/GlHxn1I9R70
Here are the winners!

We then made some funky sunglasses for our trip to France, as we thought it might be a bit sunnier their than here.

We had a GREAT time yet again for our WOW day!